As I've spent a little time these last few days studying tea, I began to wonder...there are all these great teas and they have all these benefits. But how much tea do you have to drink to get the benefits? I mean, if white tea hydrates my skin and helps me look younger, how much white tea do I have to drink to see the benefits? How long before I notice a difference?
So I did a little research and found this article that says four cups of tea per day is the minimum to get the hydrating and positive health benefits of tea. Wikipedia has this exhaustive rundown of the possible health benefits of tea and several of the studies mentioned indicate that four cups of tea per day is the amount to drink. There does seems to be some indication, however, that it's better if you don't drink the tea super-hot, but rather drink it about four minutes after pouring.
I'm super-excited about making my way through my tea cupboard. I'm enjoying reacquainting myself with all the yummy teas I've fallen in love with and I feel a sense of accomplishment (however silly it may be) when I make my way through one more tea tin. And because I have this self-imposed rule that I can't buy any new tea until I clear out that overflowing tea cupboard, it'll be so much fun when I finally am ready to explore some new teas!
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